Hellooooo, I’m Skye — a multi-disciplinary artist and creative human.
I believe that creativity is a divine state of play that knows no boundaries. That if you know how to tap into your creativity, there’s no limit to the work you can create. I’ve spent the last 10 years as a professional creative; working in the entertainment and advertising industries, gaining lots of relevant experience and making some cool stuff along the way. But what I think is most noteworthy is that I’ve spent these last 10+ years honing my creative process. It’s from this foundational work that I now believe that I can do anything I set my mind to, regardless of experience in a particular field — all because I’m finely tuned with the creative inside me.
I believe in radical candor and communicating clear expectations. I love process and checking things off a list. I believe a small team of all-stars can accomplish more quality work than a full department. I’m passionate about typography because of its ability to communicate the nuances of a voice at a single glance. I’m in love with branding and world-building, whether that comes to life with brand guidelines or an experiential activation, or anything in between. I believe it’s a professional creative’s duty to make art outside of work to keep the passion burning, and do so myself with projects that range from singing and songwriting, hand-made cards, outfit-crafting, jewelry-making, writing, drumming, tarot reading...
I can talk all day about these things, but I’ll stop here for now. Hit me up if you want to collaborate on a project, muse about creative philosophy, or debate the latest posts on Brand New.
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